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Guestbook by GuestWorld







since July 1999

updated Dec 1999


December 1999


Setelah mengalami berbagai cobaan akhirnya kami selelsai meng-update homepage ini. Tidak banyak hal yang berubah.

After facing a lot of troubles we finally finished updating this homepage. Not much changes though.


Kami bukan lagi anggota Detective Conan Webring yang dimiliki oleh Oktosoma karena terjadi beberapa masalah.

We are no longer member of Detective Conan Webring owned by Oktosoma due to some problems occured.


Masalah hit-counter telah kami perbaiki. Dan kami juga memiliki Guestbook baru.

We fixed the hit-counter problem. And now we have a new Guestbook. Check it out.


Kami menyadari bahwa kami melupakan kacamata Conan di bagian Tools. Untuk itu mohon maaf. Kami sendiri masih mencari.

We realized that we missed Conan's glasses in the Tools' section. We are sorry for that. We are still searching for the stuff.


Akhir kata kami mengucapkan Selamat Hari Natal dan Tahun Baru. Bagi kaum muslim juga kami ucapkan selamat berpuasa.

Last but not least, we would like to say Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.


Kudo and Cherry